If you agree to participate in the study, before you complete the survey, we need your consent.
Please read through the consent form below. If you have no questions and agree to participate in the study, click on 'Continue’ and you will be taken to the study registration questions. By continuing past this page and completing the registration questions you are consenting to participate in this study. If you have any questions about the consent form, please contact the research ethics boards, whose contact information is in the consent form, or the SHAPE study team at (toll-free) 1-855-506-8615, or email shape@bccfe.ca. Once you click ‘Continue’ you will be taken to our registration questions and, depending on your answers, you will be able to start the survey. If you do not agree to participate in the study, check the ‘Disagree’ box and click ‘Continue’ or click ‘Exit’.
We will ask for your personal health number (PHN) (the number on your health care card), birth date and name. This information, along with all of your survey responses, will be protected under the strictest provincial and federal privacy and confidentiality standards.
This personal information is collected to confirm real people are completing the survey and completing the survey once only.